Listen In: A Discussion on Breast Cancer and Patient-Centred Approaches

 Improving outcomes and access to treatment for the most vulnerable


Breast cancer continues to be a major global health challenge, claiming the lives of more than 685’000 women in 2020, globally. WHO estimates that almost 50% of breast cancer cases are in developing countries. The growing disease burden of cancers in low-income and limited resource settings is a clear call for action to improve health outcomes and increase access to treatment options. Surgical care is the foundation of the treatment options for breast cancers and has been proven to be highly effective, especially when the disease is diagnosed early. 

October is Breast Cancer awareness month, an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease and UNITAR and the Global Surgery Foundation join forces in hosting this webinar. Join us and learn more about the role of surgery in breast cancer care, how we can improve health outcomes and how we can continue to improve access to treatment in low-income and resource-limited settings. 


Event outline

Guiding questions

  • What role does surgical care play in breast cancer care? 

  • How can a patient-centred healthcare approach improve health outcomes for breast cancer? 

  • How can we improve access to surgical care in low-income and resource-limited settings?   

Event objectives

  • Raise awareness on breast cancer, particularly in low resource settings;

  • Offer a venue for knowledge sharing and discussion on breast cancer;

  • Promote a learning atmosphere and establish a strong network which can be utilised after the event;

  • Call to action for multiple stakeholder sectors (Govts, Academia, Industry, Philanthropy etc)

Learning objectives 

After the event, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of timely access to surgical care for breast cancer treatment;

  • Identify opportunities for improving health outcomes for breast cancer through a patient-centred healthcare approach, particularly in low resource settings;

  • Expand networks and identify partners with expertise to assist in raising awareness for breast cancer.


Breast Cancer: Putting the Patient at the Centre